Talk:Chapter 3

Revision as of 14:41, 3 January 2008 by BortzImre (Talk | contribs) (to place at proper page)

to place at proper page

A reference to earlier "I want to kiss your feet" in chapter 2-- Note that the series of events in Dick Wharfinger's "sick" play (Chapter 3) are also set in motion by an act of foot kissing.

I think this is rather a covert flashforward in Chapter 2, pointing to yet-unread chapter 3; a kind of mock precognition. You cannot perceive it as a reference back to The Paranoids' lyrics, the Tragedy being a plot box which historically precedes the plot proper. A flashforward is something that can be noticed only when re-reading the text, so it empasizes the deep structure of the story, which is that of the labyrinth. Pynchon seems to use this tool to drive home the "instruction" that this is a text which should not be read in a linear way, i.e. just once from the first sentence to the last. --BortzImre 13:41, 3 January 2008 (PST)